Last updated 3 July 2024

RANZCO 2024 is required to comply with the requirements of the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Australia). RANZCO 2024 reserves the right to modify or amend this privacy and copyright statement at any time, provided that those modifications or amendments comply with applicable laws.

Use of Personal Information

The Congress will collect and store information you provide in the online Registration Form for the purposes of enabling us to: register your attendance at the Congress;  assist with administrative and planning purposes; plan and develop the Congress and other events in the future; facilitate your requirements in relation to the Congress; and allow the compilation and analysis of statistics relevant to the Congress. The information that you provide in the Registration Form and information provided at any other time during the Congress, including without limitation any feedback obtained during the Congress, will be used by the Congress to offer, provide, and continue to improve future events and other services.

Virtual Platform / Congress App

All registered Delegates’ name, position, organisation, and email address will be uploaded to the virtual platform and/or app. Delegates are responsible for the setup of their own Delegate profile on the virtual platform for interaction with other Delegates, sponsors and exhibitors. Delegates are also responsible for any technical requirements to enable you to use the link to the virtual platform provided by the Congress and to participate in the Congress via the virtual platform and/or app. Registered Delegates will be able to set their privacy preferences when they log into the virtual platform and/or app.

Disclosure of Personal Information to Third Parties

The Congress may disclose some of the information that is collected in the Registration Form such as your name, position and organisation to Congress sponsors and exhibitors. The Congress will not otherwise, without your consent, use or disclose your personal information for any purpose unless it would reasonably be expected that such purpose is related to the offer, provision and improvement of the Congress or where such purpose is permitted or required by law. Delegates may give consent for disclosure of their contact details to sponsors or exhibitors during the registration process or by notifying the Congress Office in writing by Monday 30 September 2024.

Intellectual property use by registering for this Congress, all Delegates grant permission to Congress, the hosts and its agents, to take photographs and video footage at the Congress and/or screenshots of the virtual platform to reproduce and to distribute on social media, promotional materials and other association publications, whether in print, electronic or other media, including the Congress website. By participating in the Congress, you permit the association to use, reproduce and distribute photographs/screen shots taken of you for such purposes and waive your legal rights to pursue any cause of action against RANZCO 2024 related to such photographs. If you have any concerns regarding the use of photographs/screen shots taken of you during the Congress, please see the registration desk during the Congress or contact the Congress Office before Monday 30 September 2024. It is understood these images may be used for promotional, news, on-line/multimedia, research and/or educational purposes by and for RANZCO 2024.

Delegates agree that they are not entitled to remuneration, residuals, royalties, or any other payment from RANZCO 2024 in respect of their image/likeness or its use. Delegates release, discharge, and hold harmless, RANZCO 2024 and its agents from any and all claims, demands or causes of actions that they may hereafter have by reason of any anything contained in the photographs or video. Should a Delegates not agree to the above image release, they must advise the Congress Office.


Registration fees do not include insurance of any kind. It is strongly recommended that Delegates take out insurance at the time of registration to include any eventuality including but not limited to loss of fees through cancellation of Delegate’s participation in the Congress or through cancellation of the Congress, loss of airfares through cancellation for any reason including airline or related services, strikes, loss or damages to personal property, force majeure or any other reason.


Delegates attend the Congress at their own risk. Delegates agree not to hold RANZCO 2024, or the Congress Organiser liable for any losses, damages, expenses, costs, claims or liabilities suffered or incurred by Delegates including consequential or indirect losses or loss of profit through registering for the Congress, attending the Congress (whether in-person or virtually), cancellation or postponement of the Congress, failure of the Congress to achieve your expectations, or for any error or omission by RANZCO 2024 or the Congress Organiser. Delegates agree not to hold Congress or the Congress Organiser liable or responsible for any personal injury (i.e. physical, psychological or emotional stress) or any loss or damage to personal property. Congress proposals and other Speaker materials express the views of the relevant Speaker(s) or author(s) alone. They do not necessarily represent the views of members of RANZCO 2024 or its committees. Congress materials should not be construed as a legal opinion or professional advice. RANZCO 2024 cannot accept liability for advice given, or views expressed, by any Speaker at the Congress or in any material provided to the Delegates.

Update Your Personal Information

For enquiries in regard to the RANZCO 2024 Congress, including opting-out of delegate lists, changes and corrections to your personal information for the purposes of Congress registration, program, sponsorship and exhibition or any other RANZCO-related communications, please contact the Congress Office.

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Phishing Scams

We are aware there may be scams where delegates and exhibitors are approached by organisations pretending to be official RANZCO partners. Our recommendation is to ignore these emails or report the scam to Please see a list of confirmed sponsors, partners and confirmed exhibitors.