RANZCO is on a mission to make this our most sustainable meeting ever.

From the way we choose our venue partners, to the food we provide, we are taking a collective approach by encouraging and enabling all stakeholders with an opportunity to be involved.

Visit our Sustainability Station in the Exhibition Hall to learn more.


What is RANZCO doing?

Tim Jarvis

Opening keynote speaker – Tim Jarvis

Environmental Scientist, keen explorer and adventurer Tim Jarvis will open the Congress with a presentation focused on sustainability. RANZCO is also working with Tim to introduce a range of initiatives to contribute to carbon offsetting.

In 2024, the RANZCO Congress is supporting The Fork Tree Project, which aims to restore a 133-acre former pastoral property in South Australia’s Fleurieu Peninsula. This involves re-establishing native trees and shrubs to revive local wildlife and sequester carbon, addressing the average Australian’s annual 25-tonne carbon footprint.

The Congress will donate trees reflecting a commitment to sustainability and environmental stewardship. This gesture supports crucial reforestation efforts, inspiring others in the field to consider environmentally conscious actions, creating a positive ripple effect beyond the Congress.

Delegates can ‘buy’ a tree when they register for the Congress. 523 trees already donated and counting!

Forrest 500

What are YOU doing?



  • Carbon offset your flights to and from Adelaide if travelling by air
  • Consider catching public transport to and from the venue
  • Book your accommodation within walking distance and take in the sights by walking to the venue
  • Why not cycle to the venue if you’re based in Adelaide?
  • Know others who are attending the Meeting? Plan to carpool or Uber share.
Food and drink

Food and drink

  • Bring your own refillable water bottle
  • Bring your own reusable coffee cup and visit our wash stations to clear your cup between beverages
  • Enjoy the Adelaide Convention Centre menu, with its locally sourced and sustainable food offerings.
While onsite

While onsite

  • Use digital resources such as the Congress mobile app to gather information
  • Use the clearly labelled, separate waste bins
  • Recycle your lanyards at the end of the Congress by the Terracycle bins.

What is ACC doing?

The Adelaide Convention Centre brings a lot to the party. ACC’s latest EarthCheck audit recognised Adelaide Convention Centre as a leader in the Australian business events industry when it comes to minimising waste to landfill, potable water consumption, energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. The ACC also has a focus on using local produce.

Waste Management

Eliminating organic waste through careful meal planning and a community food redistribution program.

Installed Adelaide’s first WasteMaster recycling system that turns food and organic waste into fertiliser and compost.

Local Food Policy

Sustainability efforts extend to supporting local, with 97% of our produce sourced from local, sustainable environments, through partnerships with local artisan and First Nations producers.

Fighting the War on Plastic

Adelaide Convention Centre is actively fighting the war on plastic and eliminated single-use plastics through the introduction of reusable crockery, cutlery and glasses, together with the use of Australian Standard (AS4736) commercially compostable and biodegradable cups, napkins, bin liners, cutlery and straws.

Energy and GHG Emissions reduction

The Centre’s building management system allows for the compartmentalisation and automation of building lighting and air-conditioning systems. This provides flexibility to light and cool or heat individual spaces within the venue, reducing the need to light and heat or cool the entire building complex.

Water Conservation

Adelaide Convention Centre utilises recycled water for the irrigation of garden beds, lawn area and for more than 40 toilets

Read more about how the ACC is a ‘force for good’ for local communities and the environment here.